Our Staff

Jodi Scarbrough

Jodi Scarbrough

Position: Principal/Teacher


Jodi loves God, her husband and three children, and working with students of all ages. She grew up in the mission field, studied elementary education at Weimar College, and graduated with a degree in religion.

Jodi and her husband, Brian, spent four years in Papua New Guinea where Brian was a mission pilot and Jodi taught high school science. Then they moved from one of the hottest places on earth to one of the coldest - Alaska! For the next nine years, Jodi worked as a kindergarten/preschool teacher, homeschool mom, substitute teacher, and Bible and history teacher for 7th and 8th grade.

After settling in Oregon, Jodi served as school board chair for the local Church school, as well as sitting on Gem State Academy's board of education and the North Pacific Union Conference board of education. Jodi's children are now in high school and university and for the last few years, she has been teaching in a multi-grade classroom in Alabama.

Jodi brings a wealth of life experience as well as years of teaching experience in many different settings. Through it all, two things have kept her going day after day - even the difficult ones. They are her love for God and her passion for helping each student grow in their love for Jesus and their ability to use the unique talents and abilities He has given them.

Sandra Sweeney

Sandra Sweeney

Position: Paraprofessional


Sandra grew up in Maryland and Ohio. She graduated from Mount Vernon Academy in Ohio and then Southern Missionary College (now Southern Adventist University) in Tennessee with an AS degree in office administration. In addition to jobs as a secretary and office administrator, Sandra has worked as secretary to the Lafayette High School principal, and for the Walker County Board of Education.

For the last few years, Sandra has been raising her two granddaughters and doing some homeschooling. She often plays the piano for the Summerville church. Over the years, she has taught Sabbath School at every level from children to adults. 

In her “spare time”, Sandra loves to read, play and listen to music, and spend time in the out-of-doors.

We are thrilled to have Sandra as part of our educational team at the Alice M Daley Adventist School.